Hoxie is conveniently located at the crossroads of U.S. Hwy 24 and U.S. Hwy 23, about 20 minutes north of I-70, and is the seat of Sheridan County. It was named after a Missouri Pacific Railroad official who had plans to build tracks through the town, but that fell through. With its many annual events, such as the Sheridan County Fair and Carnival, Winterfest, the Rod Run and more, the town thrives on staying local—the true definition of a "small town . Numerous parks and scenic areas also highlight the natural characteristics of small town Kansas.
COMMUNITIES: Hoxie, Seldon
COUNTY: Sheridan
LOCATION: US Hwy 24 and US Hwy 23
CONTACT ORGANIZATION: Sheridan County Economic Development Corporation
PHONE NUMBER: 785-675-1240
EMAIL: director@growsheridancounty.org
WEBSITE: Sheridan County - Hoxie